Hi, I'm Tiare.
I'm Tiare. I am an abstract artist originally from Southern California. My husband and our 5 children made the suburbs north of Dallas our forever home 12 years ago and haven't looked back since.
I have always loved art and the need to create is as much a part of my DNA as my island roots. I fell in love with oil painting in high school and continued taking classes and workshops and painting regularly until life just got in the way and before I knew it, 13 years had passed since I'd touched a brush. I found myself approaching 40 and a mother of 5 growing children and realized I hadn't set a great model for them about balancing family and the other joys of my heart. The parts of me that existed and were relevant before motherhood and somehow became not so existent and irrelevant (by my own choosing) somewhere along the way. I could write a whole blog post on this and will but for now, we'll leave it here and leave the deep thoughts for after we get acquainted.
A few years ago, I decided to jump back into painting and exploring other mediums of art. It was like I had come back home. My heart opened up and began to pour out into my work. With so many years apart, there was so much to explore and say. Still very much a work in progress, but I make a concentrated effort to set aside time for art.
This season of life finds me busy with a daughter in college and 4 boys at home trying to balance family, businesses and time with my sweet husband of 20 years. Our days are full of the hustle and bustle of life and schlepping kids to and from sports and activities. My work allows me to reset and recenter, like filling the proverbial tank you could say.
These days I am in a constant wrestle in search of balance and tranquility and it comes through in my art. My vivid palette and textures might draw the viewer in but I believe it is thebeckoning of their own self exploration of that inner wrestle that keeps one lingering.
Thanks for visiting. See you soon friends!